miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

First week check-in : The worst half of the week is gone!

This has been a long half-week, and it won't be the last one. Yet I feel quite happy: I've done a much feared exam and now I'm going to have some calm days. It feels quite good: I can relax for two or three days before studying again and I can concentrate on writing and reading.

On Monday I also went to my first Pilates class and I absolutely enjoyed it. I'd been thinking about going to one in order to keep myself fit and it's been as good as I expected. It was tiring, yes, but I didn't feel much pain the day after and the teacher was quite nice. I'm definitely going back.

Also, I've started my way towards the end of my novel revision: On monday I started the fourth chapter and I've finished a third of it. Today I'll try to continue another third.

Finally, I'll soon start a novel project in collaboration with another writer. It will probably be a blognovel and we're not thinking about publishing, just about having some fun writing together. It will be in Spanish, though. I'll link to it in my profile if somebody wants to take a read.
This is a person whose writing style I deeply admire and who I've known for some time and for now, the plot we've been creating looks terrific. It will be a mixture of science fiction in a post-apocalyptic environment, with characters from different origins.
Do you notice how excited I am? :D

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

(RoWi80D) Week one: Starting late is better than not starting!

This is my first "Official" blog post here, and I'm supposed to share my goal for the round that started in January. Ive been thinking about it quite a lot, actually. Because, you know, if I managed to write a novel draft in 30 days, I should be able to edit it in 60...

But I'm not able to, I'm sorry. And that why I'm going to set my goal at editing half my book. It's got more or less 30 chapters, and I'm going to edit 15. By the end of this challenge, I want to have edited all the way up to chapter seventeen. Even if the exams get in my way. I'll do it!

I think I needed something like this challenge to get on the wave again. And I hope I'm right :D

sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

About Nayath (that is, me)

My name is Nayath Mesdi Skywind, but you can call me Nay. It's not my name, but it's the name I've made mine on the Internet and I like it. Let me be Nayath for you and let me show you who I am.

If you've gotten here, I asume we share some interests. We probably like reading and even more we both may like writing. I participated in NaNoWriMo 2014 for the first time and I absolutely loved it, and now I'm editing the novel that came out of such challenge.

Some of the books I've read and loved include Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles, most of the books written by Laura Gallego, Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles and George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire.

My favourite movies include the saga Star Wars and Avatar and I've watched and read some animes such as Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note, for example. I'm also a videogame fan who loves Kingdom Hearts and Pokémon and currently plays League of Legends (if you'd like to play with me, I'm Mesdi5 both in EUW and NA).

Finally, I love dogs and learning about their behavior and training and I consider myself trilingual, speaking Spanish, Valencian and English (the latter being the one I'm less comfortable with because i'm still learning it).

I hope I've not bored you ^^"

PD: Do you like the owl?